
The Danube Valley Athletic Conference has been formed to allow various international schools to meet in specific sports activities on a competitive basis in a defined geographical area. Each school should work toward a common aim in cooperating with other schools to achieve an efficient and well-balanced athletic program centered on the 3 seasons outlined in DVAC Rules. 


The first meeting of the then to be DVAC organization happened on January 21, 2009 at QSI Bratislava. Present at the meeting were AISV, BUD, ICSB, DIS and QSI. Regrets were ICSV, VIS and SALZ. At that meeting that idea of a new international sports league was formed upon the principle of one day (Saturday) events with no overnight housing offered. It was at the second meeting on April 22, 2009 that the name of the league was decided and the first season of play (2009-2010) was organized. 

Name: The official name of the League is DVAC- Danube Valley Athletic Conference.

Logo: The logo was created in September 2014 by Nick DeForest AISV 

Please contact DVAC Chairman, Nick DeForest from AISV for more information. Email: n.deforest@ais.at